
Thursday 29 December 2011

Who's a bad dog?

I seen this adorable "bad dog" video on YouTube and I couldn't resist posting it while I get a couple new crafty posts prepared. It's been so long since I've posted, I feel like the poor little guy in the video!

Enjoy! :)

Saturday 12 November 2011

Tasty Treats: Pop Rock Martini

Hey Guys!!

This post is inspired by a delicious martini that a friend had told me about and I just had to find the recipe! Its really colorful and fun to drink, every sip has pop rocks exploding in your mouth!

sorry for the TERRIBLE photo...sheesh... 

Step One:
Get your ingredients! 
A package (or 4! they're just so irresistible!) of Pop Rocks. I used Wild Berry!
Blue Curacao
Cranberry Juice
Martini shaker
chilled martini glass

Step Two:
Rim martini glass! I just wet the rim with water but you could cut a wedge of lime and rub that around the rim. Pour the Pop Rocks onto a plate and rub the top of the glass in it.

Step 3:
Mix it up! I used one ounce cranberry juice to one ounce vodka and I found this a little strong. Maybe 1 1/2 ounce cranberry juice to 1 ounce vodka would be better! Put these into a martini shaker with ice and shake shake shake! Pour mixture into the rimmed glass. Next pour the blue liqueur into the center of the mixture very slowly (I used about an ounce of this as well). There should be two distinct layers here. 
        two distinct layers :)

Now this could be enough for some people but I thought it to be too strong still so I added a little 7Up to the glass and it was delicious!  Feel free to garnish with candy (jelly beans, suckers etc). Now go enjoy your PERFECT ladies night drink! Enjoy these in moderation however...all the sugar sure gives a girl a headache the next morning if she isn't careful! ;)

Thursday 3 November 2011

How To: Make a Twig Vase

Well Hello There!

Long time no talk!! Sorry I've been M.I.A the last few weeks, I've been so busy!! I've started working two jobs again, leaving me serving 50+ hours a week plus studying makes for no Meagan time. I've got a couple posts ready to go so I'll be posting a few things in the next few days!  So here we go!

I found this tutorial online and I just had to try it! I just love the woodland look and it was really simple! A fantastic fall craft, just make sure to get out and get your sticks before all the snow falls!

Step One:
Gather Materials! You will need:

  • a TON of branches and twigs! With it being fall and all you should be able to find a bunch in your favorite local park without having to rip branches off the trees in your back yard :)
  • a coffee can, large tin can or some kind of canister. I used an old hot chocolate container! 
  • black poster board
  • hot glue gun and LOTS of glue sticks

Step Two:
Wrap your can in black poster board to make sure you can't see the can poking through the spaces in between the twigs. Just measure the can and measure out on the paper. I found using a fabric measuring tape was best because it's so flexible. After its all cut out, use your hot glue gun to glue it around the can.

Step Three:
Glue twigs on to the can. I glued the bigger ones on and then filled in the spaces in between with smaller, more flexible twigs. Don't worry if it doesn't look perfect-its the rustic look of this craft that's so appealing. 

Please be so careful while working with your hot glue gun! I sustained an injury while gluing a twig on and had to shut the whole operation down for a little while! Just be mindful about what your doing at all times (and where the tip of the glue gun is!)  :)

Step Four:
Accessorize! I wrapped a cute piece of twine around my twig vase, but add your own personal touch! Then fill with dried or fresh flowers and show off to all your friends! I think this would be a beautiful handmade gift for a housewarming or Christmas present. 

As always, have fun. Experiment with different sizes of canisters (maybe soup cans or pringles tubes!) and add your own touch! I hope you have as much fun making this as I did! Happy fall! :)

Sunday 9 October 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey there!

Well, after polishing off WAYYYYY to much food, I have realized what exactly we are celebrating. Thanksgiving! I have so many things to be thankful for; food, family and a ton of amazing friends new and old. I am so grateful to have met all of you!

This little video of a sweet girl serves as a reminder of all the little things we have to be thankful for! I'm feeling like this girl today! Enjoy! :)

Friday 30 September 2011


This Craft B*tch is wishing you nothing but the best. You are brilliant and amazing, and you deserve everything you're looking for <3 I'm here for you always

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Tasty Treats: Caramel Apple Cupcakes


Well folks, we can't deny it anymore. It's officially fall! I think fall is definitely one of the most beautiful seasons...all the colors and the crisp air! One of the things I love the most about autumn is the delicious food and I think these cupcakes are the perfect treat to ease yourself into cooler weather :) I got this recipe from Rachel Ray Everyday October 2010 issue, a great source for awesome recipes-even homemade dog food!

1 1/4 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs, at room temperature
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
3 Gala Apples (about 1 pound), peeled and shredded
1 1/2 cups chewy caramel candies
1 tbsp heavy cream

Start by peeling and shredding your apples. Shredding the apples instead of chopping ensures even distribution in the batter and helps keep the cupcakes moist. You get apple with every bite of caramel!

Arrange a rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat to 350˚F. Line a cupcake pan with baking liners. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, brown sugar and granulated sugar until smooth. Whisk in the oil and vanilla. Stir into the flour mixture until just combined; stir in the grated apples. Spoon the batter into the prepared pan until golden and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out dry, 25 to 30 minutes. Transfer to a rack to cool completely.

In a small, microwavable bowl, combine the caramels and cream. Microwave for 1 minute at medium power, then stir; repeat in 30-second intervals until melted and smooth. Let cool. Spread the frosting generously on the cooled cupcakes. I used a silicone pastery brush, this worked really well and didn't rip apart the top of the cupcake like using a knife or spoon did.

Yum!!!! Gooey sticky goodness! Enjoy!!! :) 

Monday 19 September 2011

Happy Monday!

This is my favorite, most inspirational youtube video from my hooping role model..the amazing Sandra SaFire Sommerville. I hope you made a hoop of your own and you find this a source of inspiration as I do! Check out some of her other videos for great ideas for tricks and tutorials!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

How To:Make A Hula Hoop!

Hello there, Blog Friends!

Today I'm going to give you my step-by-step directions on how to make my favorite thing in the whole world...Hula Hoops!
I've been hooping for almost 2 years and it has brought me so much personal pleasure and I am really looking forward to sharing with all of you what a great time you can have with a hoop of your own! The instructions I'm giving are just the way I do things but remember to be open minded when creating your own. Always experiment with new sizes, materials, tapes, etc. Let your creative juices flow! :)

Gather materials! I got this plumbing tubing from Canadian Tire. Pretty much any home improvement store will have the materials you're looking for (although I've never had any luck at Rona for some reason?) Just head to the plumbing section and look around. Feel free to pick up the tubing and feel for heaviness. It shouldn't weigh a ton but make sure its not too light or you will have a hard time getting momentum while learning new tricks! The stuff I have in the pictures is labelled 3/4" ID PE PIPE and 75 PSI. I'm not sure what exactly this means, but I hope it helps. I got a 50 ft roll of this stuff for $17! I have made 5 or 6 hoops just from this one roll...thats bang for your buck! Next find a double ended male connector the same size as the inner size of your tubing. In this case the 3/4" tubing gets a 3/4" connector. This all sounds obvious but if you're not careful, you could end up buying tubing that is larger on the outside than on the inside. Always stick the connector in one end of the tubing (as much as you can, it should be really tight), just to make sure you have the correct sizes.


Measure your tubing to make a perfect sized hoop just for you! :) I like mine to be up to my belly button, but again...experiment!! If you do need to alter the size of the tubing, I find a hack saw works very well for this (I've also used a seraded blade kitchen knife...I wouldn't recommend this!) but please very very careful!!


This step is optional. I have to admit, while making my first few hoops, I totally skipped this step in an effort to finish as quick as I could and get hooping! I like to heat up the ends of the tubing so the plastic expands and the connector fits in better,and then once the plastic cools down in shrinks and gets really tight around the connector so your hoop stays together nice and tight! Also, heating up the ends helps make the tubing go into a perfect circle shape. Without doing this, you may get a hoop that looks more like an egg! Its not a big deal, but it's just nice to get it exactly right! ;)

To do this, I just fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Then I stick both ends of the tubing in the water and leave in there for a few minuites until the tubing becomes warm and more pliable. Now, stick the connector in both sides and let it cool down :)


This is probably my favorite step: TAPING!! The possibilities are truly endless! You can find tons of tape anywhere...Walmart, Michaels, Canadian Tire...seriously just keep your eyes peeled! I like to use duct tape and hockey tape as these are inexpensive, readily available and more durable than fancy glitter tape (cheaper tape is good if you're just learning or if you'll have little ones playing with your new toy as the tape doesn't scrape or peel off as quickly). If you are looking for something a little more fancy I've found a great web site is or the always amazing

So just start by wrapping your tape around the connector. I always do a couple rounds here, just to be on the safe side! Then continue wrapping, being mindful of creases and the amount of tape left on your roll (I've definitely ran out of me-it sucks!). Put down your base color (in this case the flourescent pink) and if you feel up to it, put on layers of other colors. Try going different directions and different angles to make this an expression of you!

In this picture I am going the opposite way with the black that I had in the previous pictures. This gives a really cool effect if you use different colors...or GLITTER TAPE!!

Finished product!! :D


Okay, I lied. This is most definitely my favorite step. Get moving and get hooping! :) Enjoy your new toy, and don't get discouraged. When you drop your hoop, pick it back up and try again!

I hope these directions were clear enough and I'm hoping you all enjoy hula hooping as much as I do! If you feel like you would like to start hooping but you're not up to making your own, please let me know (my email is and I will make a hoop just for you! :)

a happy little message to start your week :)

Friday 19 August 2011

Hug O' War

One of my favortie poems by Shel Silverstein...enjoy!

Alrighty...lets start over!

So after much deliberation (not really) I have decided to turn this blog around and make it a complain/negative free zone!  I'm going to fill this blog with things that I love: hoops, crafts, baking...anything fun! I hope you all can take some information from here and create things that you love...and love to enjoy! :)